Morphology – Convince The Computer

Morphology – Convince The Computer Taken from the EP, Zircon Affair (diametric 2011) | BEAUTY | Morphology are Matti Turunen (Näköradiomies) & Michael Diekmann (Harrison Fnord, CRC) , both are from Finland. Morphology MySpace: Matti Turunen (Näköradiomies) MySpace: Michael Diekmann (Harrison Fnord, CRC) MySpace: The Label, diametric… diametric. is a Glasgow based label, which releases vinyl and CD’s only, strictly limited to 300 copies worldwide. The philosophy behind the label is easily explained: love and passion for electronic music that is not connected to the superficial egomaniac profiling of many so called artists. It’s about respect for and consciousness of tradition in electronic music as an artform. Trends and hypes are not of interest. Therefore the goal of this label is to release music by artists who are not following a trend or trying to make easy money, but who live a true passion for their music. diametric. focuses on deep soulful Techno, Electro, House or whatever kind of music fits into this philosophy. -Discogs. Turntable: Spiral Groove SG2