Great introductory mix from Substak for those new to dub techno and it’s many netlabels working hard to release quality, free music. If you like a particular track in this be sure to visit the netlabel website as there will surely be plenty more free tracks to download that you will equally love.
Introducing the 8th mix of TL Special Series from our friend from Athens, Kostas Staikos aka Substak, filled with deep and rhythmic Dub-Techno netaudio-tracks, which released on such well-known labels as Deepindub, Dast Net Recordings, Cold Tear Records, Insectorama, Gleichtakt Records. Many thanks Kostas for compiling and mixing the mix!
01. Substak – Apl(Tarmac Liquid Mix) [adpt004]
Adept Label
02. Floating Mind – Dub Konektor [monoKraK85]
03. Dot.Dot&Deep Paranoya – From Wroclaw To Ostrava [JDBXL14]
Join Da Beat Records
04. Slownoise – Dark Matters [CTR024]
Cold Tear Records
05. Alessandro Crimi – Nachtwald [bsc_017]
06. The New Ego – Wenn Der Schatten Den Vogel Trift [DAST045]
Dast Net Recordings
07. Stefan Tretau – Duke On The Run [brq77]
08. Oliver Martini – Nebula [GTakt028]
Gleichtakt Records
09. Sheebo – Forge(Onka Onichi Mix) [INSECTORAMA 048]
10. Alexxei & Nig – Wings Of Freedom [did-017]
11. Jotenatamaya & Discknocked – Delicuente Habitual [DZ-002]
Doppt Zykkler
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Download Substak - Techno-Locator Mix VIII (145 mb)