Here comes the 4th episode of spiel:feld´s live-set series with focus on live-playing producers.
spiel:feld´s live operation with … Nvelope !!!
1 hour finest dubtechno – all played LIVE by Nvelope with several equipment.
★ Nvelope´s equipment:
Ableton Live 8
APC 20
BCF 2000
NI Massive
NI Komplete Audio 6
The sound of Nvelope combines dubsound with some warm techno sound, which focuses powerfully on the essential. Fully used by target chords, combined with powerful groove. Far away from the mainstream sound he manages to create an entirely new type of dubsound and enforce its own style.
★ releases:
2013: Transmission Remix / Chords & Scapes Remixes / Eintakt Records
2013: Chords & Scapes (Album) / Eintakt Records
2013: Zeitlos EP / Diametral
2013: I´m a dream man ( Nvelope Mindshaking Remix) / T-Bahn Records
2013: “Slowly Fields” / Flicker Rhythm
2013: “Ursa Minor” (Nvelope Remix) / Diametral
2012: “Heidrun” Workbench EP ( Nvelope Dub Remix ) / Strich Acht
2011: Piano for Airports EP / Eintakt Records
2011: schwarz&weiss / “We´ aren´t” Various Artists Compilation / Suena Hermosa
2010: “Somewhere In Mexico ” 2 Years Meleon Music Compilation
2010: For The Body & Mind EP / Phunkit
2010: deep perception EP T-BAHN Rec.
2009: Grandpas Theme EP / Nvelope RMX / Stoffwechsel Records
2009: HD Archive RMX / Nvelope & Oliver Markreich & Chris Zippel / Genuine Horizon RMX Compilation / Elux Records ( Orginal by Chris Zippel )
2008: What you Need RMX / Nvelope RMX / Great Stuff ( Orginal by Namito )
2008: Flowers / Dana Ruh & Nvelope / Brouqade
2007: Facts of Autumn RMX / Nihil Obstat EP / Brouqade ( Orginal by Dana Ruh )
2007: Clinique RMX / Schallschnelle RMX Net Compilation / Lessizmore ( Orginal by NUEL )
2007: Sponge RMX / Nvelope & Chris Lattner/ Schallschnelle RMX Net Compilation / Lessizmore ( Orginal by NUEL )
2006: Drumatic / Nombre Aprelativo Net Compilation / Pasdenom Rec.)
★ links:
★ a little conversation:
ColtEP: Where are you now and where you wish to be?
Nvelope: In Summer 2013 my first album was successfuly launched. This encouraged me to go ahead, in producing as well as in performing livesets. I’m looking forward to the realization of my next projects.
ColtEP: What is your inspiration for creating your tracks?
Nvelope: the Environment, my Girlfriend, life.
ColtEP: Do you have a special approach/strategy for producing your music?
Nvelope: I always start creating tracks when I am in the mood for doing it. Producing music makes fun and this inner feeling is my motivation.
ColtEP: Where and how do you produce your music?
Nvelope: Actually I produce all my tracks at home, using worn-out headphones, even not the best. I work with Ableton Live and Reason.
ColtEP: What was your musical progress?
Nvelope: I started with minimal music and found back to my original roots by getting in touch with Eintakt.
ColtEP: Which LP´s you would recommend to everybody (maybe 3 or 5)?
Nvelope: Reasons (Kanzleramt), Chords & Scapes (Eintakt) and the album hopefully coming up soon from Matthias Springer (Diametral Records)!
ColtEP: What do you wish for your future?
Nvelope: More money, less work and more time for my love and music.
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