13 percents from every sale of this album will be donated to the project “The Flowers of Life “, Kaliningrad , Russia, which helps to the disabled children to develop creatively and organize for them workshops with the best tutors and masters of vocal, photography, theater , cooking , floristry and other kind of arts so that they can find their mission in this life. We do think it is a great idea to help this young people to find light of creating in their solves and share it with the others so we all support.
The author Artur Galstyan says that music is the closest to his soul kind of art and it is in charge of the ethical side of our solves. He really thinks the musician must raise the human to the kind feelings and light experiences.
Heavenchord liked music since his childhood. In 1998 Arthur started DJ’ing. In 2002-2004 he took part in organizing rave parties and international electronic music festivals together with Hardskull & Liquid Moon in Armenia. After moving to South of Russia, he started producing his own original music and became a resident in local chill out and lounge bars. Music production is the main thing in Arthur’s life. His production is always based on experiments, psychedelic and personal sound synthesis, although Heavenchord is more about classic dub techno, with heavy chords and tape hiss.