April’s Thrumcast brings you one half of Killer Robot, Cape Town’s own Ivan Turanjanin.
To say that Ivan is intrinsically bound to music is an understatement. It’s a testament to a man whose life long passion has been constantly evolving & tweaked to perfection all the while keeping the singular headstrong vision of his roots – a quality & historically driven obsession with Techno.
An absolute Tastemaker & musical purist, Ivan’s uncanny ability to recognise & finely craft a sound which harks back to the beginnings of the Detroit techno revolution, infused with the nuances of Berlin’s dark moody throbbers. Add in the wildly eclectic nature of his musical pallette and impecable taste & it all translates into an audible wonderland everytime Ivan DJ’s.
His accolades & musical experience reads like a wishlist for any aspiring DJ and seasoned veteran alike.
More info : www.sshadoworkss.co.za/artist/ivan-turanjanin
DFRNT – Everyone Is Moving (Original Mix)
This is a great set !! Very very deb tech !! So good …
Thank’s …
Good mix this, enjoyed thoroughly.