[Preview + Interview] Nvelope – Chords & Scapes LP (Eintakt)

We caught up with Nvelope to quickly talk about his forthcoming album Chords & Scapes.

A little bit about the album:

Classic dubtechno consciousness meets digital attitudes on the first full length album from Berlin based Nvelope. Combining ambient scapes and laid back rhythms on tracks like Frequenzverkehr & Weltentransfer but being aware of the honest clubfloor on tunes like Tribute, Morone & Sequence Me is somewhat style-forming for the whole album.

It’s all about the middle on Chords & Scapes – well known chords progressions and 909 drums meet futuristic effects and stabs all around – a harmonious blend for sure. An album that fits both, club and couch, feeling certain about a very note put down here, feeling home.


Interview with Nvelope

1. How long have you been producing ?

My first release was in 2006.

2. Dub techno can be seen as a very small niche genre of music, what got you into it?

It started with my first steps as a DJ. It was in 1997 in a record store in Berlin and I was listening to the sound of Basic Channel and the M6 Edit from the M Series from Maurizio and was absolutely flashed. I love the typical chord sound, the mood and the easiness of every track.

3. What are you using in the studio to make your music ?

My Studio is a MacBook with Ableton and some Freeware Plug Ins, cheap headphones, some old passive KRK monitors and a Yamaha mixing console.

4. Did you have any theme or style you wanted to stick to when producing this album ?

Most tracks on the album were born “Live” in the club. I have built a special “live layout” and i usually make a recording from every gig I have, because every gig is different.  At home i make an arrangement from the parts that i record.

5. What are you most pleased with on this album, any particular track that stands out in your opinion ?

My favorite is the track named “In the Middle Of”. It´s a quite simple track but i like it´s mood.

6. What format will the album be released on ?

At first only Digital.

7. When and where can people grab a copy ?

Beatport and iTunes in April ’13

8. What do you have planned for the rest of 2013, anymore releases forthcoming ?

The next upcoming release will be a remix for my Friends from T-Bahn Records (a great label based in Sicily) and then next, my Second EP can be expected on this label too. I have started to produce my second album already. It will be 100 % made for the clubbing, with a harder atmosphere but also with dub influences.

The next EP will be released on Diametral in April with remixes by FrankHellmond and Jonas Saalbach. On Diametral there is also a remix I did for Lars Leonhard for his upcoming EP.



1. Morone
2. Chord Work
3. Sequence Me
4. Transmission
5. Basement
6. Pitch OSC
7. Unimono
8. in The Middle Of
9. Tribute
10. Frequenzverkehr
11. Weltentransfer