I had the pleasure of recording a guest mix for The Zero Hour show on WVUD radio this week. Seth was very kind in giving me 50-60 mins to play whatever I wanted. I thought I’d go specially deep for this one to showcase the beautiful range of dub techno. I picked some new releases as well as some older tracks that I feel will be classics in years to come, I wanted this to be a smooth journey but also keep the energy levels up as this was a dance orientated music station so I tried to pick tracks that I feel have that ‘club’ feel to them.
Also a big thanks to Bjørn who helped me sort out with my recording device for this mix. I actually had a lot of trouble recording the mix. I first recorded it using my Behringer UCA222 and when I listened back I couldn’t believe how bad it sounded in terms of quality. I had my doubts about this device but this was the final straw. It was the Friday and I needed to get this recorded by the weekend. I decided to take the advice of the pro’s and bought myself the lovely Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. I then proceeded to record the mix on the Saturday evening and when I listened back to it I heard lots of skipping and glitching, turns out my laptop isn’t powerful enough to record in 32bit (which is a huge overkill anyway) so I dropped it down to 16bit and luckily the mix come out fine. It was slightly tiresome playing the same tracks 3 times in a row haha but we got there in the end.
Anyway I hope you enjoy the journey.
eR – Elasticity
Neurotron – Untitled II
Abstract Nostalgic Fractals Systems – Everlasting Sorrow
Basicnoise & Convex – Paradroid
Organon – Deep Mnside Mind
Deepchord Presents Echospace – Lisbon
Matthias Springer – Basiskanal
Upwellings – Walk (Optic Remix)
Textural Being – I Felt
Deepchord – Spiral 2
Grit – The Furthest Outpost (Octal Industries Reconstruction)
Miruga – Circle Dub
Pobedia – 6am (forthcoming on our next release on Drift Deeper Recordings)
great mix, thank you very much Peco :)…